Monday, January 26, 2009

GUIDE: How to Install Cwcheat

What is Cwcheat?

Cwcheat is the FIRST ever cheat device available on PSP.With cwcheat you can apply raw-relative cheat codes either in PSP and POPS game mode (due to two different version of this application: cwcheat and cwcheatpops) just like the famous commercial products "Action Replay", "CodeBreaker", "GameShark", "Xploder", etc. available on other platforms. cwcheat also features cheat searching and editing through a nice and easy-to-use in-game menu. There are other cheat devices, but I personally like cwcheat. THIS WORKS FOR FAT AND SLIM

YOUTUBE (My first video in youtube)


1. Cwcheat - download it from here(In this guide we will be using "CWCHEAT_0_2_2_REVD" will update if needed)
2. A Custom Firmware PSP ( Any firmware, ill be using 4.01 M33-2)

Steps :

1. Go to the Site on the "Requirements" page. Then click on the DOWNLOAD CWCHEAT button. This will download the latest one that is out. After extract the files into your desktop.

2. After you should see a whole bunch folders and files. Connect your psp to the pc. Now I'm going to split this guide if u have different firmwares. If u have 3.71 M33, go to step "4". If you have a different firmware continue on the guide.

3. If you have 3.71 M33 do not continue. Skip to step "4". Open up your cwcheat folder, you should see a INSTALL folder. Open it up and copy the seplugins folder into the root of your psp.
(E.g. X/SEPLUGINS/CWCHEAT where X is your psp drive letter). Skip to Step 5.

4. If you don't have 3.71 M33 do not continue. Go to step 3.Open up your cwcheat folder, you should see a INSTALL_371 folder. Open it up and copy the seplugins folder into the root of your psp.
(E.g. X/SEPLUGINS/CWCHEAT where X is your psp drive letter) Continue on the guide.

5. Once after that is all complete. Turn off your psp completely ( Hold the power button). Turn it on again and HOLD R. This should bring you to your recovery mode. Go to plugins and enable all the plugins.

6. Start your game and HOLD select on the game. This should bring you the cwcheat ! Go to "Select Cheats" and choose your cheat. After go back to the menu and enable the cheats. Have Fun.


You should always update your cheat database for newer game cheats. There are two ways to download the cheat.db

Updating with the PC
1. Click this link
2. Download the database into your desktop
3. Put the cheat.db into the seplugins/cwcheat folder
4. Replace the old cheat.db


1. Open the CWCHEAT folder you download from the requirements
2. Go into the DATABASE DOWNLOAD folder. There is two types ...
3. Copy the 3.X folder into the GAME folder or your PSP. Make sure the GAME kernel is set to 3.XX or 4.XX in the recovery mode.

You can also run the application through 1.50 kernel. If you do not know what this is. Then forget about it, and just the use the 3.X version.

Main Menu of Cwcheat

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