Monday, January 26, 2009

GUIDE: Play SNES games on your PSP (Snes9xTYL)



This a guide to install Snes9xTYL into your PSP. This emu will let you play SNES games on your PSP. There is a SNES emu for the PC so u can try the game 1st to see if it is corrupt. The best (IMO) would be Snes9x. For the PSP it would be Snes9xTYL. THIS WORKS FOR SLIM AND FAT.


1. A Custom Firmware PSP with 3.XX kernal
2. Snes9xTYL 0.4.2 ME (will update if needed)


Before I go on, I want to tell you that emulators are not illegal. The bios and roms (games) are. So, I will not post where to get them. You are goin to use google.

1. Download the SNES9xTYL and extract it. There should be a "snes9xTYL" folder. Copy that to your GAME folder of your PSP.

2. Put your ROM into the ROM folder inside the snes9xTYL folder you just put on your PSP. This emulator can play .smc game file and zip file that contains the .scm file.

3. Disconnect the USB, go to the GAME menu of your XMB, and select the emulator.

Transfer SNES9x saves to SNES9x TYL

Save it from the Save State Function. After, you should get a .zsX (where X is the number) with the name of you game. Transfer that file into the SAVES folder of your SNES9x TYL.

Me playing Super Mario World

Snes9xTYL menu


Q: Can this play NES games?
A: No, it cannot. You can use Nester J to run it. To install Nester J, please look below this guide for the Super Emulator Guide by Dr1ver.

Q: The emulator isnt starting ?
A: Make sure you have custom firmware like 3.03 OE,3.71 M33, 3.90 GEN
If, you do have a custom firmware. Check the game kernel.
1. Fully turn off the psp by holding the power button
2. Hold the R button and turn on the PSP
3. This will bring you to the recovery mode
4. Go to Config, then go to GAME kernal. Set it to 3.XX or 4.XX (Where X is the number of your firmware)

Q: Where can I download bios and roms
A: As i said b4, use google. They are copyright files so it makes them illegal to share.

Q: Do I need to convert the Rom or such?
A: When you download a rom they should either be in a .zip or .smc file. Snes9xTYL can run both of them. No need to convert.

Q: How do I get into the Menu ?
A: After, selecting the game you wish to run. Click Home. It should bring you to the menu.

GUIDE: How to Play GBA Games on PSP



I noticed that many people want to play GBA in their PSP. Well... that is possible ! There are many emulators out there for pc. The best (IMO) GBA emulator for PC would be Visualboy Advance. For the PSP, it would be gpSP (which is ported from VBA). In this guide I will show you how to install gpSP. THIS WORKS FOR PSP SLIM AND FAT.


1. A Custom Firmware PSP with a 3.XX kernal
2. Unofficial gpSP Kai v3.2 Test 8.7 ( Will update if needed)


Before I go on, I want to tell you that emulators are not illegal. The bios and roms (games) are. So, I will not post where to get them. You are goin to use google.

1. Download the gpSP from the above link. Extract the files into your desktop. After, open the ms0/PSP/GAME folder. Until you see the folder gpSP. Copy that folder into your GAME folder on your PSP.

2. Go inside the gpSP folder in your PSP. Now download the GBA BIOS use google to search for it. Rename the bios to "gba_bios.bin". Transfer that file to the gpSP folder.

3. After get your gba roms and put it on the ROMS folder inside that GBA folder. Gpsp can play .gba and zip files that contains the .gba file.Start the game and have fun.

Transfer VBA saves to Gpsp

Orignally posted by drag_93. Thanks to armyman45 for testing

1) Copy the .sav and .svs files from the GPSP folder into a backup folder.
2) Open VisualBoy Advance and go File/Import/Battery File and choose the .sav file.
3) Do what you want to do on VisualBoy Advance and save the file as a VisualBoy Advance Save File (.sgm).
4) On VisualBoy Advance go File/Export/Battery File and save it as exactly the same name of the ROM that the save file is from.
5) Rename the VisualBoy Advance .sgm file to the same name as the ROM file, the slot you want it to be in and then .svs as the file extension. e.g. Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City0.svs.
6) Copy both files back to where you copied the files from originally and run GPSP.
7) Go to the slot you put in the filename. There should be some random picture there. DON'T WORRY. This is perfectly normal. Just load the file and everything should work perfectly. If this doesn't work try to load savestate from file under savestate options.

Me playing Pokemon :)

gpSP menu


Q: Can this play GB or GBC games ?
A: Not that i know, no. There is the Masterboy emulator for PSP which can play GBA, GB and GBC games.

Q: The emulator isnt starting ?
A: Make sure you have custom firmware like 3.03 OE,3.71 M33, 3.90 GEN
If, you do have a custom firmware. Check the game kernel.
1. Fully turn off the psp by holding the power button
2. Hold the R button and turn on the PSP
3. This will bring you to the recovery mode
4. Go to Config, then go to GAME kernal. Set it to 3.XX or 4.XX (Where X is the number of your firmware)

Q: Where can I download bios and roms
A: As i said b4, use google. They are copyright files so it makes them illegal to share.

Q: Do I need to convert the Rom or such?
A: When you download a rom they should either be in a .zip or .gba format. gpSP can play .zip files with the gba rom inside. However, I recommend that you unzip the game to .gba. No need to convert.

Q: Can I play with my friends that has gpSP with adhoc.
A: Sadly, no. Though the developer of the emulator is working on it.

Q: I can start the gpsp but it says I got a bad bios or such.
A: You got a corrupt gba bios. Download another one. If your PC does not show full extension of files, try renaming the bios to "gba_bios".

Guide: How to Make Cwcheat codes


This is a guide to make cwcheat codes. Let me warn you somethin. This isn't easy. I'm not an expert at this so don't ask me crazy questions. Also, don’t ask me to find codes for you. I do not have time to get the game, get codes and test it.

You will need cwcheat, look at the above guide


Custom Firmware PSP
Artmoney (Freeware)
Cwcheat Database Editor

Searching and Dumping

1. When u download cwcheat it should come with a cheat searcher. I find that its a big laggy, so i use google and found a better one. It's called Artmoney
download the freeware version unless u want to but the pro version.

2. Let's BEGIN ! Find the game you want. Then go to the cwcheat menu (hold select), then go to "cheat in-game menu". Change the "N" to "Y" in the "Enable Dump Function"

3. Take a deep breath and let’s go back to the game. Find a value you like to change (E.g. HP, SP, Money, Items, …etc). Remember the number u wanted to change on all the next 3 dumps

4. Now press and hold the Square button until it’s says “Dumping”. Usually the dumps take quite a lot of memory. Make sure that u have at least 20 MB free before doing this.

5. Go back to your game and change something on the value (like get hit, buy something …etc) you chose on step 3. Then take a dump ( not the bathroom one ...) and then go to step 6!

6. After that, repeat step 5 to make a third dump. Now connect your PSP to ur PC and start Artmoney on your PC. U can connect by using the CWcheat menu by click the enable USB to Y

7. On Artmoney go to the search tab and click options. Switch the setting on object to files. Then click OK. Now click the (…) button on the left. Browse for your MEMDUMP0.dmp

8. Now click Search. On the Value box enter the amount of value u had on dump 1. Like the amount of HP on your first dump. Then, it should give you a bunch of codes on the left side.

9. Now Browse for your MEMDUMP1.dmp. Then click Filter and enter the value you noted before. (On the left side, there should be a bit lesser codes)

10. Do the same thing as 9 except use the 3rd dump. Now, there should be one left. That is your code. If there is more than one, than make more dumps. The more dumps u have the more accurate and better.


1. The cwcheat code format looks like this

1st Set 2nd Set
0x00000000 0x0000000

For the first set of 0`s.You are goin to use the number on art money. Replace the last zeros with the number you got from Artmoney. For example if I have a 27554. Then it would be 0x00027554.

2. Sadly, we aren’t done yet. We just need to add one more thing. On the first number of x u need to add …

0 – If u are changing a 8 bit value
1 – If u are changing a 16 bit value
2 – If u are changing a 32 bit value

Most RPG stats are 8 bit. And money are mostly 16 bit and 32 bit.

Now to the second set

1. Open your Windows Calculator. Click the View Tab and click Scientific. Now enter the desired amount for example 100. Now click HEX (make sure it was DEC before) this should give you a number. I got 64.

8 bit- Max is 255
16 bit – Max is 65535
32 bit – Max is 429467295

For example
0x00027554 0x00000064


1. First download the CWCHEAT database editor. Then download a cwcheat database. Open it with the editor.

2. Find your game and make a new code. Then put the two codes inside. If there isn’t the game then put a new folder. Remember to save it.

GUIDE: How to Install Cwcheat

What is Cwcheat?

Cwcheat is the FIRST ever cheat device available on PSP.With cwcheat you can apply raw-relative cheat codes either in PSP and POPS game mode (due to two different version of this application: cwcheat and cwcheatpops) just like the famous commercial products "Action Replay", "CodeBreaker", "GameShark", "Xploder", etc. available on other platforms. cwcheat also features cheat searching and editing through a nice and easy-to-use in-game menu. There are other cheat devices, but I personally like cwcheat. THIS WORKS FOR FAT AND SLIM

YOUTUBE (My first video in youtube)


1. Cwcheat - download it from here(In this guide we will be using "CWCHEAT_0_2_2_REVD" will update if needed)
2. A Custom Firmware PSP ( Any firmware, ill be using 4.01 M33-2)

Steps :

1. Go to the Site on the "Requirements" page. Then click on the DOWNLOAD CWCHEAT button. This will download the latest one that is out. After extract the files into your desktop.

2. After you should see a whole bunch folders and files. Connect your psp to the pc. Now I'm going to split this guide if u have different firmwares. If u have 3.71 M33, go to step "4". If you have a different firmware continue on the guide.

3. If you have 3.71 M33 do not continue. Skip to step "4". Open up your cwcheat folder, you should see a INSTALL folder. Open it up and copy the seplugins folder into the root of your psp.
(E.g. X/SEPLUGINS/CWCHEAT where X is your psp drive letter). Skip to Step 5.

4. If you don't have 3.71 M33 do not continue. Go to step 3.Open up your cwcheat folder, you should see a INSTALL_371 folder. Open it up and copy the seplugins folder into the root of your psp.
(E.g. X/SEPLUGINS/CWCHEAT where X is your psp drive letter) Continue on the guide.

5. Once after that is all complete. Turn off your psp completely ( Hold the power button). Turn it on again and HOLD R. This should bring you to your recovery mode. Go to plugins and enable all the plugins.

6. Start your game and HOLD select on the game. This should bring you the cwcheat ! Go to "Select Cheats" and choose your cheat. After go back to the menu and enable the cheats. Have Fun.


You should always update your cheat database for newer game cheats. There are two ways to download the cheat.db

Updating with the PC
1. Click this link
2. Download the database into your desktop
3. Put the cheat.db into the seplugins/cwcheat folder
4. Replace the old cheat.db


1. Open the CWCHEAT folder you download from the requirements
2. Go into the DATABASE DOWNLOAD folder. There is two types ...
3. Copy the 3.X folder into the GAME folder or your PSP. Make sure the GAME kernel is set to 3.XX or 4.XX in the recovery mode.

You can also run the application through 1.50 kernel. If you do not know what this is. Then forget about it, and just the use the 3.X version.

Main Menu of Cwcheat